Our Services

At STC, we promote a culture of prevention throughout our practice.
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Construction, Infrastructure

Our team has solid experience in construction, infrastructure, and real estate projects, both public and private. We provide advice on choosing the project delivery system, contract design, prevention, and claims management during its execution. We understand the worksite and speak the same language as engineers and architects. We advise owners, builders, designers, subcontractors, and PMO offices in the development of projects in various economic sectors.

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FIDIC and NEC Contract Management

We integrate into the client’s team and provide quick and accurate responses. We interact with the Engineer, Project Manager, and PMO. We advise on emblematic infrastructure projects under FIDIC and NEC contracts. We manage contracts from the beginning of the projects to prevention and claim preparation in Dispute Boards. Our partners are part of the DRBF and provide training on contractual models. We promote a collaborative and preventive culture.

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Civil and Commercial Contracts

We identify our clients’ needs and design contractual schemes with adequate and solid risk allocation, with creativity and experience. We aim to ensure success in our clients’ commercial relationships. We are prepared to draft and negotiate complex commercial and business contracts and to prevent disputes and, if necessary, properly claim damages arising from them, through the rigorous application of a civil liability test.

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Government Contracts

We advise on public tenders, auctions, corporate purchases, and framework agreements. We represent Public Entities and private companies in the context of government contracting. We advise on challenging and punitive processes before OSCE, procedures of the National Registry of Suppliers, and requests for opinions. We specialize in managing claims arising from public contracts.

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Real Estate

We have extensive experience in the real estate market. We advise real estate project developers in the construction, financing, acquisition, and sale of residential buildings, offices, business centers, hotels, resorts, shopping centers, among others.

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PPPs and Asset Projects

We advise and legally manage PPP contracts in their various modalities and PA, from conceptualization to implementation. We advise on compliance with the legal obligations of concessionaires, as well as their interaction with grantors and regulators. We participate in the negotiation and renegotiation of concession contracts. Our objective is the implementation of executable projects.

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Obras por impuestos

We offer comprehensive services to investors throughout all phases of a Obras por Impuestos (OxI) project, from conceptualization to obtaining investment recognition certificates. We have collaborated with both public entities and project financiers and project developers. We are committed to fostering economic and social growth while enhancing the investor’s corporate profile.

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Public and Administrative Law

We advise our clients in sanctioning and trilateral administrative procedures before regulatory agencies, as well as in the review and challenge of mandates and resolution acts. We issue legal reports and opinions on public services and infrastructure regulation, including areas such as transportation, ports, airports, railways, energy, telecommunications, among others.

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Dispute Prevention

We are prospective, not reactive. We promote a preventive and collaborative culture. Our experience allows us to make timely diagnoses and recommend appropriate and transparent actions to avoid controversies or mitigate them. We assist in the contemporary documentary registration of contract facts, allowing the client to mitigate impacts. We are meticulous in complying with contractual procedures through an internal alert system. We are assertive in negotiation and conciliation processes.

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National and International Arbitration

We are prepared to design the most suitable strategy for our clients, considering their interests and priorities. We promote good arbitration practices. We successfully sponsor national and international arbitrations under ICC, LCIA, CCL, PUCP, AMCHAM, and SNA-OSCE rules. We have extensive and successful experience in obtaining precautionary measures in emergency arbitration procedures. Our firm is a member of the Arbitration Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce – ICC Peru, and our partners are part of the most representative arbitrator lists at the national level and are recurrently appointed in highly complex disputes.

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Dispute Boards and JRD

We are allies of our clients during the execution of their private and public projects. We are involved in their day-to-day activities and interact actively with the Dispute Board or the DRB, both for prevention and dispute resolution. Our team is part of the DRBF, and its members are part of several of the most important adjudicator lists at the local level.

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Construction, Infrastructure

Our team has solid experience in construction, infrastructure, and real estate projects, both public and private. We provide advice on choosing the project delivery system, contract design, prevention, and claims management during its execution. We understand the worksite and speak the same language as engineers and architects. We advise owners, builders, designers, subcontractors, and PMO offices in the development of projects in various economic sectors.

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FIDIC and NEC Contract Management

We integrate into the client’s team and provide quick and accurate responses. We interact with the Engineer, Project Manager, and PMO. We advise on emblematic infrastructure projects under FIDIC and NEC contracts. We manage contracts from the beginning of the projects to prevention and claim preparation in Dispute Boards. Our partners are part of the DRBF and provide training on contractual models. We promote a collaborative and preventive culture.

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Civil and Commercial Contracts

We identify our clients’ needs and design contractual schemes with adequate and solid risk allocation, with creativity and experience. We aim to ensure success in our clients’ commercial relationships. We are prepared to draft and negotiate complex commercial and business contracts and to prevent disputes and, if necessary, properly claim damages arising from them, through the rigorous application of a civil liability test.

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Government Contracts

We advise on public tenders, auctions, corporate purchases, and framework agreements. We represent Public Entities and private companies in the context of government contracting. We advise on challenging and punitive processes before OSCE, procedures of the National Registry of Suppliers, and requests for opinions. We specialize in managing claims arising from public contracts.

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Real Estate

We have extensive experience in the real estate market. We advise real estate project developers in the construction, financing, acquisition, and sale of residential buildings, offices, business centers, hotels, resorts, shopping centers, among others.

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PPPs and Asset Projects

We advise and legally manage PPP contracts in their various modalities and PA, from conceptualization to implementation. We advise on compliance with the legal obligations of concessionaires, as well as their interaction with grantors and regulators. We participate in the negotiation and renegotiation of concession contracts. Our objective is the implementation of executable projects.

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Obras por impuestos

We offer comprehensive services to investors throughout all phases of a Obras por Impuestos (OxI) project, from conceptualization to obtaining investment recognition certificates. We have collaborated with both public entities and project financiers and project developers. We are committed to fostering economic and social growth while enhancing the investor’s corporate profile.

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Public and Administrative Law

We advise our clients in sanctioning and trilateral administrative procedures before regulatory agencies, as well as in the review and challenge of mandates and resolution acts. We issue legal reports and opinions on public services and infrastructure regulation, including areas such as transportation, ports, airports, railways, energy, telecommunications, among others.

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Dispute Prevention

We are prospective, not reactive. We promote a preventive and collaborative culture. Our experience allows us to make timely diagnoses and recommend appropriate and transparent actions to avoid controversies or mitigate them. We assist in the contemporary documentary registration of contract facts, allowing the client to mitigate impacts. We are meticulous in complying with contractual procedures through an internal alert system. We are assertive in negotiation and conciliation processes.

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National and International Arbitration

We are prepared to design the most suitable strategy for our clients, considering their interests and priorities. We promote good arbitration practices. We successfully sponsor national and international arbitrations under ICC, LCIA, CCL, PUCP, AMCHAM, and SNA-OSCE rules. We have extensive and successful experience in obtaining precautionary measures in emergency arbitration procedures. Our firm is a member of the Arbitration Chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce – ICC Peru, and our partners are part of the most representative arbitrator lists at the national level and are recurrently appointed in highly complex disputes.

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Dispute Boards and JRD

We are allies of our clients during the execution of their private and public projects. We are involved in their day-to-day activities and interact actively with the Dispute Board or the DRB, both for prevention and dispute resolution. Our team is part of the DRBF, and its members are part of several of the most important adjudicator lists at the local level.